Monday, September 5, 2011

Our First Day of School 2011-2012

We started the day reciting the first few verses of Psalm 23.
 Next we did chapter 45 in Saxon 5/4 which was on Parenthesis, Associative Property and Naming Line Segments.  Math seems to take him a long time because he dawdles and not because he does not know the information. He kept complaining that in school his teacher did not make him do this but then again his grades at school reflected that because she let him daydream. I am here to teach him how to focus on the task at hand.

Up Next, Was Apologia Science Human Anatomy and Physiology. We read a few pages in Lesson one and started are project on Mummifying Fruit. He enjoyed the setup and he was amazed at how fast we finished the lesson. We learned what the study of Human Anatomy and Physiology was and how the Egyptians used salt and other chemicals to preserve the body. The Egyptians kept the heart in the body  because they believed they needed it for the next life and discarded some of the other organs because they felt they were not needed.

Grammar- Today we learned about the two parts of the sentence. We learned that the Subject was what the sentence was about and the predicate was what the subject was doing or what they are like.

In History we learned about Charles V and the Holy Roman Empire. We learned that he inherited three lands as a young child and teenager upon the deaths of his father and grandfathers. He wanted more so he asked the Pope if he can be the Roman Emperor. The pope did not want to give him that title and so he went to war with the Pope. The Pope was defeated and made Charles V the Roman Empire.

The next topic was on  the Spanish invasion of South America and how they made the natives slaves and spread disease. They also too their gold and sent it off to Spain. They had the children work in mines which were dangerous to their health.

In Reading we were introduced to the background of the first book in the Chronicles of Narnia series. The book is entitled The Magician's Nephew.

Finally we finished the day up with Religion/Catechism we learned about the Creed and God's purpose for us. We also learned how we are to make it to Heaven.

To sum it up we had a busy day and we have some adjustments to make so we can run the day smoother overall good first day.

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